
How To Clean Install Windows 10

Knowing how to perform a clean install of Windows 10 is a useful skill to take. If you lot're going to build your own PC from scratch, it's a necessity. It's besides the concluding resort if you're having bug with your auto and none of the solutions yous've tried has worked or if yous want to get rid of manufacturer pre-installed bloatware.

Doing a clean install of Windows ten isn't the aforementioned as going into the settings and hitting the reset button. That will just reset your PC to its manufactory settings. Performing a clean install uses a factory-fresh image from Microsoft. So, if your computer is only experiencing slowdowns, it might be worth figuring out how to speed upward Windows 10 before resorting to a clean install.

If, yet, information technology is exactly what the situation calls for, then let us help you. To start, you volition need admission to a Windows 10 PC, as you lot'll demand to create the paradigm you're installing from. Other than that you lot'll need an 8GB or larger USB wink drive and some complimentary time.

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Windows 10 Activation

(Image credit: TechRadar)

Before you begin

To do a clean install of Windows 10, the first matter you demand to do is ensure you have a valid Windows ten license. If you lot already have Windows x installed on your PC and then you can check this by going to the 'Settings' app.

Click on 'Update & Security' so 'Activation' from the sidebar. Y'all'll at present see a bulletin telling you that Windows 10 is activated, either with a digital license or with a digital license linked to your Microsoft Account.

If you need to buy a license for Windows 10 you'll exist given an activation fundamental that y'all will enter during the installation process. Previously-activated licenses will be reinstated in one case your PC connects to the internet.

You should also take the time to back up of import files and data equally this process will completely wipe your PC.

Windows 10

(Image credit: Anton Watman / Shutterstock)

How to perform a clean install of Windows 10

In that location are two parts to the process. The first involves downloading the latest Windows 10 prototype from Microsoft and creating a bootable flash drive with it. The second part is using that image to install Windows 10 on your PC.

The exact amount of time yous'll need to complete this process depends partly on your internet speed since the Windows x image is quite large. Installing will also be much quicker on faster SSDs compared to older HDDs.

Windows 10 Media Creation Tool

(Prototype credit: TechRadar)

On whatsoever Windows x PC, you first need to download the Media Creation tool. This will help you not only download the latest Windows 10 epitome simply will also turn information technology into a bootable USB drive you're able to install information technology from.

You can get the Media Creation Tool directly from Microsoft (opens in new tab), and it's not a big download so won't take long to exist finished. You don't have to install it, either, information technology'll run as a standalone application.

Windows 10 Media Creation Tool

(Image credit: TechRadar)

2. Create a bootable flash drive

Open up up the Media Creation Tool on your PC. Select the option to 'Create installation media for another PC' and take the license terms. The side by side phase involves choosing a language, edition, and compages for Windows 10.

The edition will need to lucifer whatever y'all have a license for, and in most cases, the compages will be fine as x64. Yous only demand to choose both or x86 if you know you're going to use information technology on a 32-flake machine.

Hit the 'Next' push, choose the 'USB Flash Drive' choice, then select your flash drive from the list. Hit 'Next' one more than fourth dimension, and so 'Finish' and the tool will begin the process of downloading Windows 10 and creating the USB installation bulldoze.


(Image credit: TechRadar)

3. Boot the Windows 10 installer from the USB flash drive

Once the Media Creation Tool has done its thing you'll need to attach it to the PC you want to perform a clean install of Windows x on. In order to get the installer to run you'll outset need to tell your PC to boot from the USB drive instead of the internal SSD or HDD.

The easiest style to do this is in the BIOS. If you're edifice a new PC this is also the merely way to do this. When you lot beginning turn on your PC y'all'll be given a keypress to enter the BIOS, or it could be referred to as 'Setup'. Information technology will differ, but information technology's likely to exist something like 'F2', 'F12', or 'Delete'.

Once in the BIOS, caput to the 'Kick' tab, and in the list of priority devices brand sure the USB drive you lot just fabricated is outset. This will tell the PC to boot from it before trying the internal drives. You can easily remove this when Windows 10 has been installed to revert to your regular boot priority.

Windows 10 installer

(Image credit: TechRadar)

four. Install Windows 10

The rest is quite straightforward. One time your PC has booted into the Windows 10 installer y'all'll be guided through every step of the installation procedure. Essentially, you lot'll cull where to install Windows 10 and the tool will do the remainder.

If you have an activation key to enter, you'll be given the opportunity to do this during the install process, but you lot can besides practise information technology later through the 'Settings' app.

The installation procedure will have some time and then don't be alarmed if information technology feels similar it's taking forever. When it's consummate and your PC reboots, either pull out the USB flash bulldoze yous were installing from or go into the BIOS first in club to tell the PC to now boot from your designated Windows x bulldoze.

Windows 10 laptop

(Prototype credit: TechRadar)

five. Complete the Windows 10 setup process

The rest of the process involves going through the standard Windows 10 setup, adding your network information, Microsoft Account, and diverse preferences.

The last phase could involve Windows 10 downloading the latest updates, which again might take a little while.

Once all of this is complete y'all'll be staring at a new, mill-fresh Windows 10 desktop.


A clean install of Windows 10 isn't hard to achieve, but it is a little fourth dimension-consuming. Nevertheless, information technology's an essential function of PC building, the best way to upgrade your existing internal drives, and sometimes even just a practiced set for slow, bloated machines.

But armed with only a USB flash drive and these unproblematic steps yous'll exist support and running in no time at all.

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How To Clean Install Windows 10,


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