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It's non uncommon for older homes to fall victim to rot, peculiarly around unsealed areas similar windows. If ignored, even so, a rotten window frame could get out your home vulnerable to farther impairment, including mold growth, deteriorating insulation, and even crumbling framing members. The adept news is that replacing the wood around a window doesn't have to be an expensive or complicated ready. Almost small-scale spots can simply exist scraped out and filled with epoxy. To deal with extensive rot around the sill or trim, remove the entire section, then cut a new slice to go in its place. If there'southward damage to the sash itself, your all-time bet is to take it rebuilt past a specialty contractor to ensure that the job gets done right.

  1. 1

    Probe the wood to determine the extent of the rot. As wood rots, it becomes "punky," which ways it takes on a soft, spongy texture. To gauge how bad the problem is, go effectually the entire window frame applying pressure level to the wood every 2–3 inches (5.1–seven.6 cm) with your fingertip or a small tool similar an awl or screwdriver. If you feel it requite, it most likely means that there's rot in that section.[1]

    • Wood rot is ofttimes accompanied past peeling, wrinkled, or discolored paint.[two]
    • Be certain to bear on-exam the entire surface of each piece. Otherwise, you may miss a spot.

    Tip: Information technology's best to utilise epoxy when the piece you lot're repairing is still lxxx-85% intact, or when it would be peculiarly costly or hard to attempt to supplant the slice with new wood.[3]

  2. 2

    Scrape out small rotted spots with a screwdriver or chisel. Dig the tip of your tool into the bad wood and work it complimentary of the frame. Yous shouldn't encounter too much resistance since the decay volition accept made information technology soft. However, you'll still want to work carefully to avoid damaging the surrounding woods. Go on gouging and scraping until but hard, healthy wood remains.[4]

    • Take your time and focus on eliminating as much of the rotted wood as y'all can. If you leave any behind, it could hands spread to another part of the frame.
    • If you discover that the rot is more all-encompassing than yous originally thought, you lot may have no choice simply to cutting replacement pieces to install in the sections that can't be salvaged.


  3. 3

    Mix up your epoxy according to the manufacturer's directions. Most epoxies consist of 2 separate bonding components that need to exist combined in equal parts in order to be effective. Follow the mixing instructions listed on the packaging to prepare enough epoxy to patch each private spot y'all uncovered while probing.[5]

    • Brand sure you choice upward a wood filler epoxy that'south designed specifically for utilize on wood surfaces.[vi]
    • If possible, practise your mixing on a surface that the epoxy won't stick to, such equally a sheet of plexiglass, plastic tarp, or freezer bag, or the shiny side of a strip of packing tape.
  4. 4

    Use the epoxy to the damaged area using a putty pocketknife. Slather on enough to overfill the spot slightly—you can sand away the excess later. After edifice up each spot, glide the flat side of your putty knife over the epoxy a few times as though you lot were frosting a block. This will help produce a smoother finish that you can hide easily with a couple coats of paint.[7]

    • Some ii-part epoxy kits are sold with applicator guns that make it possible to mix and apply the filler simultaneously. Go on in mind that you'll nonetheless need to use a putty knife to spread the epoxy even if you're using a gun to employ it.
    • It'south better to use too much epoxy than as well little. Partially-filled holes and crevices could result in cruddy dents and depressions one time the area has been repainted.
    • You'll only accept nearly 30-sixty minutes from the time that you mix up your epoxy before it begins to dry out, so brand an effort to work chop-chop and efficiently. If you're patching multiple windows, whip up a fresh batch before starting on the side by side.
  5. 5

    Allow the epoxy to cure for at least 3-4 hours. Every bit it sits, information technology will gradually expand to continue filling out the damaged area. It will then harden to form a stiff, watertight seal that will do a much ameliorate job of keeping unwanted moisture out than new wood or paint alone.[eight]

    • You lot may need to let freshly-applied epoxy sit for up to 24 hours if the weather is particularly cool or damp.
    • Avoid handling the epoxy in whatsoever way as it cures. Doing so could deform it, ruining all of your hard piece of work.
  6. 6

    Sand the dried epoxy affluent with the surrounding forest. Get-go with an eighty-grit canvass to shave off the excess filler, then switch to a 120-dust canvas to take care of the fine detailing. Run the sandpaper over the epoxy in tight, smooth circles to ensure a defect-free finish. The idea is to shape it to the contours of the section of the window you're repairing.[9]

    • Wear a facemask and safety glasses to protect yourself from dust and exist sure to vacuum up the loose rest subsequently.
    • By the time y'all're finished, the only indication that the spot has been patched should exist the departure in color between the woods and the epoxy.
  7. 7

    Bear upon upward the patched piece with two-3 coats of exterior paint. Brush at least 2 coats onto the epoxy and surrounding woods surface to ensure total coverage and consistency of color. Allow the surface to dry for the recommended length of time betwixt coats. When you're satisfied with the look of your window, allow the pigment prepare for at least 24 hours before making any boosted modifications.[x]

    • An angled trim brush volition work best for painting narrow trim, decorative moulding, and other small, intricate features.[11]


  1. one

    Audit the entire window to approximate how extensive the rot is. Work your fashion around all 4 edges of the frame pressing on the wood with a finger or small manus tool. Pay attention to whatsoever spots that feel soft or spongy to the bear upon. These places will oftentimes be accompanied by visual symptoms of disuse, such as chipping, splintering, and peeling or discolored paint.[12]

    • In areas with multiple boards or pocket-sized pieces, annotation the exact point at which the normal, salubrious wood gives way to rot. Preserving equally much intact wood as possible will cutting downwardly on both the required labor and overall budget for your project.
  2. 2

    Cutting or pry out the unabridged rotted section. Loosen affected trim and casing pieces with a prybar, then pull them free by paw.[13] If you happen to come across a slice you can't budge, reach for a cutting tool that you can maneuver in tight spaces, such equally a reciprocating saw or skill saw. Make a series of shallow cross cuts into the rotted wood, stopping just curt of the good for you wood beneath. After scoring the wood, forcefulness it out using your prybar.[fourteen]

    • An awl, putty knife, or similar tool may besides come in handy for scraping forest lurid out of joints and gaps.[fifteen]
    • Work carefully to minimize unnecessary damage to the nearby siding or sheathing materials.
    • Unhook the balances from the inside of the frame in one case you remove the window sash.[xvi]

    Tip: If your window has especially complex construction, it may be a good idea to snap a photo of information technology earlier you lot begin the dismantling process. That way, you lot'll have a reliable reference that volition show you lot how everything is supposed to fit together.

  3. 3

    Measure each of the pieces y'all remove individually. Use a ruler or measuring tape to detect the length, width, and thickness of each element you pull from the window. Tape your measurements on a separate piece of newspaper and label them appropriately. Your replacement materials will need to match these dimensions every bit closely as possible.[17]

    • Making a notation of standout features, such as mitered corners or fastening sites, can help you replicate them later on on.
  4. 4

    Seal any cracks in the exposed sheathing underneath. Visible openings around the edges of the window will demand to be addressed before you tin keep to installing your replacement pieces. Caulk or apply sealant tape on small and medium-sized cracks]], and utilize canisters of expanding spray foam insulation to make full larger openings.[18] If the surrounding sheathing shows signs of water damage, y'all may also opt to install adhesive flashing to prevent any further moisture from getting in.[19]

    • Y'all're more likely to encounter cracks and gaps in board sheathing, which is found on many older homes.
    • It's important to seal up every terminal aperture you lot tin get to—a small crack has the potential to become a big one in no time at all.
  5. 5

    Cut new wood to fit the rotted sections. Use the measurements yous took before to cut your replacement wood to identical dimensions. Focus on making clean, nifty cuts that will enable y'all to simply slip the new piece into identify without the need for further adjustments. Don't forget to miter the ends of decorative moulding to a 45-degree angle.[20]

    • Shop around for wood with a similar thickness and grain design to that of the window'due south original components.
    • If you're non sure what type of forest was used to construct your home, accept a photo or sample piece from a healthy, intact department of the window down to your local home comeback centre to accept information technology examined by a professional.
    • A miter box or speed square can make it easier to line upwardly multiple 90- and 45-degree angled cuts quickly and with maximum precision.[21]
  6. vi

    Install the new pieces using galvanized nails. Home improvement experts typically recommend using 8D finishing nails to secure window trim. Drive a blast into the meridian and bottom corner of each piece, so do the aforementioned at the center. Echo this process for each individual element you're installing.[22]

    • For specially large windows, space boosted nails 16 inches (41 cm) apart along the length in pairs to make sure your new pieces hold.
    • If necessary, fill sunken nail holes with wood putty to bring them level with the surface of the woods.
  7. 7

    Paint your replacement pieces every bit needed. Brush on 2-3 coats of exterior paint in a shade matching the surrounding intact elements. Permit each coat dry out for the corporeality of time recommended by the manufacturer before starting on the side by side one, and allow your topcoat to dry for 24 hours. Program on applying at least two coats to achieve full coverage on unfinished forest.[23]

    • If you're making improvements to an older home and have no way of identifying the exact shade of paint used, only attempt to lucifer it every bit best you can. A prepare of paint fries or color-matching app can assistance yous with your comparison.[24]
    • Another option is to only repaint all of the window trim. A make new paint task will guarantee that yous won't finish upwardly with any color inconsistencies. And if the existing paint is fading, it's probably time to repaint anyway.


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    How do you lot fix a rotted window sash?

    Michael Fox

    Michael Play a trick on is a Window Repair Specialist and the President at Window Repair Systems and, based in Westminster, Southward Carolina. With over 25 years of feel, Michael specializes in commercial window repair and service. He holds a business organisation degree from Monroe Community College and SUNY Brockport. Michael has helped Window Repair Systems and become an industry leader in commercial window repair and hardware distribution, servicing schools and businesses and training large public school systems.

    Michael Fox

    Window Repair Specialist

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  • Question

    Why is the wooden trim rotting around my window?

    Michael Fox

    Michael Play a trick on is a Window Repair Specialist and the President at Window Repair Systems and, based in Westminster, S Carolina. With over 25 years of experience, Michael specializes in commercial window repair and service. He holds a business degree from Monroe Community College and SUNY Brockport. Michael has helped Window Repair Systems and become an manufacture leader in commercial window repair and hardware distribution, servicing schools and businesses and training large public school systems.

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    Window Repair Specialist

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    To find out the problem, pop off all the trim, and then expect for where in that location'southward moisture coming in from the exterior. When you find that, fill information technology in either using caulk or some sort of sealant tape, then reinstall the new trim.

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  • Go in the habit of performing regular maintenance on your outside windows, such equally caulking, patching, and repainting. By doing then, you lot can continue them looking and operation better for longer and avert the need for more intensive repairs.

  • The sash, or the sliding part of the window that actually contains the glass, is much more difficult to replace, as it'south fabricated up of many pieces that have to be especially measured and cut. If yous notice deterioration around any part of the sash, go far impact with a qualified repair specialist and accept them assess the severity of the situation.[25]


Things Y'all'll Need

  • Awl, screwdriver, or chisel
  • Wood filler epoxy
  • Putty knife
  • 80-grit sandpaper
  • 120-grit sandpaper
  • Outside paint
  • Angled trim brush
  • Facemask and safety goggles
  • Shop vacuum
  • Pry bar
  • Ruler or record measure
  • Newspaper and pencil
  • Replacement wood
  • Circular saw
  • Miter box or speed square
  • 8D galvanized finishing nails
  • Exterior paint
  • Angled trim brush
  • Reciprocating saw or skill saw (optional)
  • Awl, screwdriver, or chisel (optional)
  • Caulk, spray foam insulation, or adhesive window flashing (optional)
  • Wood putty (optional)


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  • DeVera Jones

    DeVera Jones

    Apr 26, 2021

    "It let me know that my windows can be repaired."

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